Gross Abuse Of Executive Powers

Anwar Press Statement.

August 8, 2008, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia  

I promise that under a Pakatan Rakyat government Malaysians will never again be subjected to such gross abuse of executive power as we are again witnessing today. Arbitrary arrest and detention, frivolous investigation and malicious prosecutions shall be a thing of the past. Police officers and prosecutors who launch conspiracies to defame and humiliate the innocent will be severely punished.

The use of police powers as well the office of the Attorney General to persecute political opponents will be criminalized so as to ensure a healthy and vibrant democracy where dissent is not only tolerated but nurtured. In this regard every Malaysian’s fundamental liberties will be treated as sacrosanct and safeguarded by a truly independent judiciary guided by principles of utmost integrity and an adherence to the spirit of the federal constitution.

The politically motivated trial launched against me will, Insha’Allah, be the last of its kind. No Malaysian will suffer from this cruel injustice ever again.

Yesterday’s events confirm my innocence from the charges that recently surfaced. The medical report and statutory declaration by Dr. Osman Abdul Hamid of the Pusrawi Hospital that surfaced on Thursday shatter lingering doubts as to whether the alleged act ever took place. Dr. Osman’s statement also confirms what we have already stated regarding deplorable actions by the police to fabricate evidence in a manner identical to the manipulation of my case in 1998.

Anything short of a thorough investigation into the mishandling of this investigation would further tarnish the credibility of the police.

The doctor’s personal safety is a matter of deep concern to us. Material witnesses in high- profile cases in Malaysia have gone missing in the past such as the PI Balasubramanian. I applaud those brave individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to freedom and justice by coming forward with important evidence, and call upon the authorities to ensure their protection.

Yesterday in court we learned that the prosecution’s case has, in a manner similar to the botched trials of 1998, shape-shifted from a charge of assault to one of a consensual act. The conspiracy launched against me in the final week of June 2008 is falling apart. There is a hasty attempt by some to patch up glaring holes in the complainant’s testimony. This will certainly fail given the preponderance of evidence confirming my innocence.

The Prime Minister has actively involved himself in this matter in an attempt to derail the process of transformational change in Malaysia and stave off his own political demise. But in soiling his hands with this sordid matter he has deepened the crisis within his own administration. His most ardent supporters among the Malays have also expressed their disgust with the matter. Furthermore Prime Minister Badawi now faces investigation by the Anti-Corruption Agency for his involvement in corruption and money politics.

The shadow of corruption and mismanagement of the economy darkens the legacy of his premiership. Prime Minister Badawi has still offered no convincing explanation over the huge profits reaped by his family in the Oil For Food scandal at the expense of dying Iraqis.

I advise those around him to leave the sinking ship of his leadership while there is still a chance to do so. Pakatan Rakyat’s reform agenda is firmly back on track and the New Dawn for Malaysia is well within reach.

We will mount a unified campaign to win in Permatang Pauh with a solid majority encompassing that constituency’s diverse population.

I look forward to entering Parliament on August 27, 2008 with the support of my friends in the coalition.



Mara Terus

Sekitar jam 10 pagi hari Khamis, 7 Ogos 2008, saya akan ke Mahkamah Majistret Jalan Duta untuk mendengar pertuduhan ke atas jenayah yang tidak saya lakukan. Sebagaimana yang saya tegaskan di dalam kenyataan semalam, penjenayah sebenar yang terdiri dari apparatchik pemerintah berusaha untuk memalukan diri serta keluarga saya, dan sudah tentu matlamat utamanya, adalah untuk menggagalkan aspirasi rakyat.


Adakah sebegini miskin penjenayah-penjenayah ini? Tidakkah mereka merasai getaran perubahan ini? Ianya adalah tuntutan hasrat hati rakyat seluruhnya yang mahu institusi kenegaraan dipulihkan, kemakmuran dikecapi dan martabat negara kembali dijulang. Perubahan yang kita tuntut tidak pernah menjadi agenda milik peribadi. Ianya milik semua.


Propaganda dan plot yang direncana oleh elit pemerintah terutamanya di kalangan yang dekat dengan Perdana Menteri sememangnya tidak bertanggungjawab. Kerakusan serta ketamakan mereka kepada kuasa, membuatkan mereka sanggup untuk menodai institusi-institusi kenegaraan dan demokrasi di negara ini. Ini membuktikan mereka sedang menghadapi krisis moral dan keyakinan.


Mampukah mereka menahan Perubahan? Saya yakin tidak! Perubahan mesti terus mara. Biar Permatang Pauh menjadi saksi bahawa kita pasti mampu mencipta Malaysia yang adil, makmur dan aman.



Islam Prohibits Backbiting.

Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, a prominent Muslim scholar, states: 

“Islam prohibits backbiting (Gheebah) as Allah stated in the Quran: “O you, who believe, avoid much suspicion, for some suspicion is a sin. Neither spy on one another, nor backbite one another. Would one of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, you would detest it, [so similarly, avoid backbiting]. And fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Al-Hujurat, 49:12]

The Prophet SAW wanted to drive home the meaning of backbiting to his Companions: He asked them:  ‘Do you know what backbiting is?’ They replied, ‘Allah and His Messenger know best’. He SAW said, ‘It is saying something about your brother whom he would dislike’. Someone asked, ‘What if I say something about my brother who is true?’ The Prophet SAW replied, ‘If what you say of him is true, it is backbiting and if it is not true you have slandered him.’ [Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidzi, and An-Nasa’i]

When a person dislikes someone, he is likely to find faults in his appearance, behavior, lineage, and anything else, which pertains to him.

‘Aishah narrated that she said to the Prophet SAW, ‘Do you see that Safiyyah (another wife of the Prophet) is such and such?’ meaning that she was short. The Prophet SAW replied, ‘You have spoken a word such that, if it were mixed in the water of the ocean, it would darken it.’ [Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidzi, and Al-Baihaqi]

Backbiting is nothing but a desire to belittle people, to slander their honor, and to deride their accomplishments in their absence. Since this is stabbing in the back, it is an expression of narrow-mindedness and cowardice. Backbiting is a negative trait, and only those engage in it who themselves are not achievers. It is a tool of destruction, for one who is addicted to it leaves no one without throwing a dart at him and wounding him.

Qur’an paints such a repulsive picture of this vile habit as would make people shrink from it in horror:

‘And do not backbite one anther; would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would abhor that.’ [Al-Hujurat, 49:12]

Since one feels sick at the very thought of eating human flesh, how much more revolting it is to think of eating the flesh of one’s dead brother?

Whenever an opportunity arose, the Prophet SAW stressed this Quranic imagery in order to imprint it on peoples’ hearts and minds.

Ibn Mas’ud reported, ‘We were sitting with the Prophet SAW. Then a man got up and left. Whereupon another person spoke ill of him. The Prophet SAW told him, ‘Pick your teeth.’ The man replied, ‘Why? I haven’t eaten any meat.’ The Prophet SAW replied, ‘You have eaten your brother’s flesh.’ [At-Tabarani]

Jabir reported, ‘While we were with the Prophet SAW the wind brought a foul odor in our direction, whereupon the Prophet SAW said, ‘Do you know what this odor is? It is the odor of those who backbite the Believers.’ [Ahmad]

All these textual quotations demonstrate the sanctity and dignity, which is accorded to Man in Islam. However, scholars have listed some exceptions, necessarily limited to certain circumstances, when talking about a person in his absence is permitted. Among these exceptions is the instance of a person who has been wronged and who complains about the wrongdoer. While he must then speak about what the other dislikes, it is his right to do so in order to secure justice; consequently, he is given permission to describe the wrong he has suffered.

Allah says: ‘Allah does not like the announcing of evil in public speech except by one who has been wronged; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.’ [An-Nisa’, 4:148]


If someone wants to investigate the character or suitability of a person with whom he wants to enter into partnership, who has asked for his daughter in marriage, or who is seeking employment with him, it is permissible for those who have been asked to give their frank and honest opinion. Here there is a conflict between two obligations: one, to give good advice to the person who seeks the information, and two, to protect the honor of the person about whom the opinion is sought. However, the first obligation takes precedence over the second, as it is more important and more sacred.

Fatimah binti Qais asked the Prophet SAW about two men who had asked for her hand in marriage. The Prophet SAW told her about one of them, ‘He is good for nothing and has no property,’ and about the other, ‘He does not put his stick down from his shoulder,’ meaning that he frequently beats the women of his household.

It is permissible to speak about a person without his knowledge if a legal opinion or religious ruling is required concerning him or if help is needed to combat some evil, he may be causing, or to refer to him by a name, title, or characteristic, which he dislikes but without which he cannot be identified. For an example, ‘the lame person’ or ‘the person with one eye.’ Likewise, cross-questioning a witness or criticizing the reporters of hadiths and news is permissible.

The general rule concerning the permissibility of speaking about someone in his absence is governed by two considerations: (1) the need and (2) the intention.

1. When there is no compelling need to mention the third person in a manner in which he would dislike, one must refrain from violating the sanctity of his personality and honor. If there is a need to mention him but the need can be met by an indirect reference, one must not be explicit. If a general discussion is sufficient, the mentioning of specific persons must be avoided. For example, in seeking a juristic opinion, one can phrase the question as, ‘What would your opinion be if someone did such and such a thing?’ rather than, ‘This person is doing such and such. What do you think about it?’ Again, if one must identify the person, he must mention only what is true, since ascribing anything false to him is prohibited.

2. In any event, the intention is the decisive factor. The speaker knows his own motives better than anyone else does —whether it constitutes a genuine complaint against wrongdoing or mere spite, an inquiry concerning an issue or a slander, a scholarly criticism or envious backbiting, piece of good advice or the spreading of a rumor. It is said in this connection that the Believer is a sterner judge of himself than a tyrannical ruler or a greedy partner could be.

Repudiating Slander

Islam has decreed that the listener is the partner of the one who is absent, and he must defend his absent brother by repudiating the slander being spoken.

The Prophet SAW said: ‘If anyone defends his brother who is slandered in his absence, it will be (his) due from Allah to set him free from the Fire.’ [Ahmad]

The Prophet also says: ‘If anyone defends his brother’s honor in this world, Allah will shield his face from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection.’ [At-Tirmidzi]

If a person does not have the courage to speak out in defense of his brother against malicious tongues, the least he can do is to withdraw from such company until they turn to some other topic; otherwise, the verse, ‘Truly, you would then be like them.’ [An-Nisa’: 140] would apply to him.”

®Islam Online.

Backbiting and Slander.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful;

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.


Backbiting [gheebah] is to say something about people in their absence, even though if the things that were mentioned and said might be true or which  they would not like to hear about it themselves. While gossiping [nameemah] means passing on the news of people with the intention of causing them harm or gaining a desired reward from those to whom the news is conveyed. Slander [buhtan] is the vilest because it spread false information or lies about someone.

 Allah indicates how serious backbiting is. Allah also shows us how we may fall into the sinful acts. First, we become suspicious of others and begin to keep track of what they are doing and saying.

 Allah SWT says: “O you, who believe, avoid much suspicion, for some suspicion is a sin. Neither spy on one another, nor backbite one another. Would one of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, you would detest it, [so similarly, avoid backbiting]. And fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Al-Hujurat, 49:12]

 We tend to interpret someone actions and words in our own way, which often inaccurate because we do not know all of their motives and intentions. Then we start to talk about them in their absence, often saying things about them that are not true, and if they knew what we were saying about them, they would be upset a great deal, we run the risk of needlessly damaging their reputations. Sometimes our suspicions and interpretations are correct, but this does not mean that it is a good thing to talk these things to others so that they do not fall into sinful behavior and their reputation are not tarnished.

 The Prophet Muhammad SAW once asked his Companions: “Do you know what is backbiting?” His Companions said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” The Prophet SAW said: “Backbiting implies you’re talking about your brother in a manner that he does not like.” It was said to him, “What is your opinion about this if I actually find that shortcoming in my brother?” He said, “If what you assert (of a shortcoming) is actually in him, you have backbitten him; if it is not, you have slandered him” [Muslim].

  Rulings on Backbiting

 Islam attaches a great importance to preserving people’s honor and guarding them against any malicious defamation and slander. It is in this light  Islam prohibits backbiting and gives serious warning against it. Allah Says:

 “O you, who believe, avoid much suspicion, for some suspicion is a sin. Neither spy on one another, nor backbite one another. Would one of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, you would detest it, [so similarly, avoid backbiting]. And fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Al-Hujurat, 49:12]

 However, there are some exceptions for this ruling. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to show the faults of certain people to ward off a serious evil that may occur if they are covered. Elaborating on these exceptions Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Canada, states:

 Although, indulging in backbiting is considered an atrocity and forbidden, in light of their detailed study of the sources, scholars have considered it permissible to state the negative aspects or traits of a person or persons in their absence in certain exceptional cases in order to protect the interests of the people. Here are the conditions where it has been considered permissible:

 1. It is not considered forbidden to mention the negative aspects of a marriage candidate in order to help the person who is planning to get married to formulate a sound opinion. In such a case, it becomes the religious duty of everyone who is asked about an individual to divulge any relevant information about him or her.

 2. A public figure that may be running as a candidate for a position is just like a marriage candidate. Since it is vital to protect the interests of the public, it is considered permissible to disclose such information about him, which may reflect negatively on his performance or eligibility to serve. Public office is a position of trust and, as such, only people of integrity should be appointed to such positions.

 3. It is allowed to mention the tyrants, despots, and rebellious persons who are role models of impiety, immorality, and rebellion against Allah in order to warn people against such behavior. It is in this spirit that we find the Qur’an narrates to us the stories of Pharaoh, Nimrod, Haman, and Qarun, and so on. Therefore, it is not considered sinful to speak negatively about personalities like Abu Lahab and Abu Jahal.

 4. It is also not considered sinful to mention a person who is openly violating the laws of Allah. It is said, “An immoral person has no honor to protect” since he has already tarnished his honor by openly flaunting the laws of Allah.

 5. If a person has been harmed or has been treated unjustly and unfairly by someone, he can speak about it to the proper authorities in order to seek justice or restore his legitimate rights. Included in this category are those who complain to the authorities about an abusive husband, or guardian, or leader, and so on.

 6. If a so-called leader, preacher, or scholar is known to be spreading corrupt ideas or heretical ideas it is considered permissible to forewarn people about him. However, in order for this to be permissible, one must have ascertained a fact that the ideas or opinions he is advocating are indeed heretical beyond a shadow of doubt. Otherwise, it would be a terrible sin, for it has been rightly stated by scholars, “The flesh of scholars is poisoned meat!

 Ways of Avoiding Backbiting.

 • More Listening and Less Talking

 We can avoid sinful of tongues by limiting the type of talking about things as much as possible. We should spend more time listening to others than we do talking about others and to not to abuse our two ears and the tongue.

 If we find ourselves in the company of those who we know to be the gossipy type, we should get them to change the topic of discussion. If we are not able to do so, we should leave before we get involved in gossip or talk about useless things.

 • Repentance and Forgiveness

 One who commits a sin, whatever it is, should have hope in Allah’s mercy. They must be sure that Allah will accept their repentance. We are told in the Qur’an:

 “Say: O My [Allah’s] slaves, who have been prodigal to their own hurt, despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgives all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” [Az-Zumur, 39:53]

 In order for repentance to be accepted, they must desist from the sin they have been doing, regret having done that sin, and make firm and sincere intention not to return to that bad deed.

 Scholars add that if the sin involves a human’s right, repentance requires a fourth condition: to be absolved from such a right. If it is a property, the sinner should return it to its rightful owner. If it is slandering or backbiting, the sinner should ask pardon of the offended.

 Therefore, we must try to seek the forgiveness of the person you have backbitten. However, some scholars say it is not necessary to go to the offended (especially if they do not know you have slandered or gossiped about them) and seek Allah’s forgiveness for causing harm and create hatred between them.

 • Controlling Words Once Spoken: Mission Impossible

 Once our words are spoken, they get bigger and beyond control. Even if we regret them and wish to take them back, we would not be able to do it. Once the word is out, it is not easily forgotten or forgiven by others. The damage is done. Therefore, it is crucial that we choose our words very carefully before we let them out into the public. We should ask forgiveness from Allah of those we hurt so that we can avoid a more difficult repayment of our sins in the hereafter. If they are not able to forgive us in this life, Allah will give them their rights on the Day of Judgment by taking from our good deeds and giving their value to those whom we wronged in this life.

 The Prophet SAW told us that whoever guarantees their tongue, the Prophet guarantees Paradise for them (Al-Bukhari).


Dato Ambiga’s Press Statement: Saiful’s Medical Report

Press Release: Saiful’s medical report


Contributed by Ambiga Sreenevasan

Monday, 28 July 2008 05:54PM


Very troubling reports have been published, which reveal the existence of a medical report of an examination done by a doctor on Mohd Saiful Bukhari bin Azlan a few hours before Saiful lodged a police report that he had been sodomised. The medical report apparently shows that there is no evidence that he had been sodomised by anyone.


Such reports raise some very serious questions that require immediate answers:


(1) Are the police in possession of such a medical report?

(2) Was the doctor concerned interviewed by the police and was he detained for any length of time?

(3) Is the doctor concerned facing any form of intimidation and if so, by whom?

(4) Is there a medical report by another doctor that either confirms or contradicts the first medical report?

(5) If it is true that the medical report exists showing a lack of prima facie evidence, what then could have been the justification for the vigorous actions taken against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as well as the public call by the authorities for his DNA sample?


The answers to these questions are of paramount importance, as they bring into focus the integrity of our law enforcement system.


These latest disclosures regarding the investigations into the sodomy allegations are not the only ones to raise questions that need answering. There is, for example, also the issue of P. Balasubramaniam’s abrupt “disappearance” that has yet to be satisfactorily explained. No one can deny that the circumstances of his first and second statutory declarations are highly unusual. All these show a pattern of events that cause much disquiet to right-thinking members of the public.


The Malaysian people are deeply troubled. A country that truly believes in the rule of law should not be faced with so many disturbing developments and unanswered questions.


The credibility of the Malaysian justice system as a whole is therefore at stake. The integrity of professionals, be they doctors or lawyers, must never be interfered with. The public must be left in no doubt that the criminal justice system in this country will not be misused or abused. There must be nothing less than an open and thorough investigation into these cases. This calls for the courage and professionalism of all those involved to do the right thing no matter the consequences. And those who have shown such courage and integrity must know that they live in a country where it is safe to do so.



Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan



Malaysian Bar


©The Malaysian Bar

Mubahalah: Untuk Kebenaran Islam Bukan Peribadi


Mubahalah ialah memohon kepada Allah supaya diturunkan azab atau laknat ke atas mereka yang berdusta (berbohong). Ia hanya dibolehkan untuk membuktikan kebenaran Islam dan bukannya untuk kegunaan peribadi misalnya membuktikan seseorang itu bersalah atau tidak dalam kes-kes jenayah dan sebagainya.


Rasulullah s.a.w telah menyatakan kepada golongan Kristian bahawa Nabi Isa adalah Rasul dan bukannya Tuhan:


Tiadalah Al-Masih Ibni Mariam itu melainkan seorang Rasul yang telah terdahulu sebelumnya beberapa orang Rasul dan ibunya seorang perempuan yang amat benar, mereka berdua adalah memakan makanan (seperti kamu juga) [Al-Maidah,5: 75]


Namun mereka membantah dan enggan menerimanya. Lalu Rasulullah s.a.w. bermubahalah dengan tiga orang paderi Kristian bagi membuktikan kebenaran agama Islam yang dibawa. Dua dari tiga paderi itu tidak mahu meneruskan perlawanan mereka. Akhirnya dibatalkan kerana mereka bimbang golongan mereka akan pupus.


Kemudian sesiapa yang membantahmu (wahai Muhammad) mengenainya, sesudah engkau beroleh pengetahuan yang benar, maka katakanlah kepada mereka: Marilah kita menyeru anak-anak kami serta anak-anak kamu dan perempuan-perempuan kami serta perempuan-perempuan kamu dan diri kami serta diri kamu, kemudian kita memohon kepada Allah dengan bersungguh-sungguh, serta kita meminta supaya laknat Allah ditimpakan kepada orang-orang yang berdusta. [Ali-Imran,3:61]


Selain dari bermubahalah (minta laknat) untuk membuktikan kebenaran Islam, Allah melarang dan mencela orang yang meminta diturunkan azab dan keburukan ke atas dirinya.


Dan mereka meminta kepadamu menyegerakan kedatangan perkara buruk (azab yang dijanjikan) sebelum mereka memohon kebaikan; padahal sesungguhnya telah berlaku sebelum mereka peristiwa-peristiwa azab yang telah menimpa orang-orang yang kafir seperti mereka dan (ingatlah) sesungguhnya Tuhanmu amat melimpah keampunanNya bagi manusia (yang bertaubat) terhadap kezaliman mereka dan sesungguhnya Tuhanmu juga amatlah keras balasan azabNya (terhadap golongan yang tetap ingkar) [Ar-Ra’d, 13: 6]



Fatwa Dr Taha Jabir Merujuk Fitnah Keatas Anwar Ibrahim

Terjemahan Ustaz Zainuddin Hashim


Telah berlaku satu isu yang menggemparkan banyak pihak di Malaysia baru-baru ini, berhubung mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang dituduh terlibat dengan perlakuan liwat, pihak berkuasa Malaysia berusaha untuk memanggil kedua-dua individu yang menuduh dan dituduh agar melakukan angkat sumpah untuk membuktikan pihak yang benar dan salah.

Apa pandangan Islam berhubung tindakan angkat sumpah berkenaan, apakah pihak yang dituduh perlu berbuat demikian bagi membersihkan dirinya daripada fitnah atau tuduhan itu seperti sumpahan orang yang terlibat dalam kes pembunuhan?

Jawapan Dr Taha Jabir al-‘Ulwani:

Menurut Imam Ibnu Al-Qaiyim Al-Jauziyah dalam kitabnya At-Turuq Al-Hukmiyyah dan beberapa pandangan ulama, mereka menolak dakwaan atau tuduhan yang datang daripada seorang yang dilihat tidak berlaku adil, khususnya daripada setiap tindakan, cara hidup terhadap orang yang mempunyai kedudukan baik dalam masyarakat, di mana dakwaan seumpama itu disifatkan sebagai ‘Qazaf’ dengan membawa empat orang saksi, ia bersandarkan kepada ayat 4, Surah an-Nur maksudnya:

4. “Dan orang-orang yang melemparkan tuduhan (zina) kepada perempuan yang terpelihara kehormatannya, kemudian mereka tidak membawakan empat orang saksi, maka sebatlah mereka delapan puluh kali sebat; dan janganlah kamu menerima persaksian mereka itu selama-lamanya; kerana mereka adalah orang-orang yang fasik;

Firman Allah lagi menerusi ayat 11-19, Surah an-Nur maksudnya:

“11. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membawa berita yang amat dusta itu ialah segolongan dari kalangan kamu; janganlah kamu menyangka (berita yang dusta) itu buruk bagi kamu, bahkan ia baik bagi kamu. tiap-tiap seorang di antara mereka akan beroleh hukuman sepadan dengan kesalahan yang dilakukannya itu, dan orang yang mengambil bahagian besar dalam menyiarkannya di antara mereka, akan beroleh siksa yang besar (di dunia dan di akhirat).

Sepatutnya semasa kamu mendengar tuduhan itu, orang-orang yang beriman – lelaki dan perempuan, menaruh baik sangka kepada diri (orang-orang) mereka sendiri. dan berkata: “Ini ialah tuduhan dusta yang nyata.

Sepatutnya mereka (yang menuduh) membawa empat orang saksi membuktikan tuduhan itu. oleh kerana mereka tidak mendatangkan empat orang saksi, maka mereka itu pada sisi hukum Allah, adalah orang-orang yang dusta.

Dan kalaulah tidak kerana adanya limpah kurnia Allah dan rahmatNya kepada kamu di dunia dan di akhirat, tentulah kamu dikenakan azab siksa yang besar disebabkan kamu turut campur dalam berita palsu itu; –

Iaitu semasa kamu bertanya atau menceritakan berita dusta itu dengan lidah kamu, dan memperkatakan dengan mulut kamu akan sesuatu yang kamu tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang sah mengenainya; dan kamu pula menyangkanya perkara kecil, pada hal ia pada sisi hukum Allah adalah perkara yang besar dosanya.

Dan sepatutnya semasa kamu mendengarnya, kamu segera berkata: “Tidaklah layak bagi Kami memperkatakan hal ini! Maha suci Engkau (Ya Allah dari mencemarkan nama baik ahli Rumah Rasulullah)! ini adalah satu dusta besar yang mengejutkan”.

Allah memberi pengajaran kepada kamu, supaya kamu tidak mengulangi perbuatan yang sedemikian ini selama-lamanya, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang beriman.

Dan Allah menjelaskan kepada kamu ayat-ayat keterangan (hukum-hukumNya); kerana Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.

Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang suka terhebah tuduhan-tuduhan yang buruk dalam kalangan orang-orang yang beriman, mereka akan beroleh azab siksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya di dunia dan di akhirat; dan (ingatlah) Allah mengetahui (segala perkara) sedang kamu tidak mengetahui (yang demikian).”

Sesungguhnya sejarah gerakan Athisme dan Komunisme di dunia Arab secara khusus melatih perkaderan di peringkat akar umbi untuk menonjolkan akhlak yang songsang yang dilemparkan terhadap pimpinan ahli agama Islam yang komited dengannya, ia adalah cara untuk memburukkan nama baik dan imej mereka kepada umum (kerana mahu meraih kepentingan tertentu) agar umum tidak lagi percaya dan memberi sokongan kepada ahli-ahli agama, inilah yang pernah dilakukan oleh pengikut Komunis di Iraq satu ketika dahulu di kalangan parti Ba’ath (Kebangsaan Arab).

Justeru, kita amat rasa sedih apa yang sedang berlaku di Malaysia sekarang ini di mana para pemimpin kerajaan bertindak serupa dengan apa yang pernah berlaku di Iraq, mereka lakukan itu adalah semata-mata untuk kepentingan politik kotor mereka dan menyekat kemaraan pengaruh lawan dengan apa sahaja cara sekali pun walaupun melibatkan harga diri seseorang.

Mereka ini bukanlah pemimpin kerajaan yang baik yang boleh menjaga kebaikan dan kemaslahatan negara, tetapi untuk diri mereka semata-mata, tapi bagaimanapun tindakan mereka itu akan dibalas, kalau pun tidak pada diri mereka, mungkin isteri serta anak-anak mereka.

Apa yang umum hingga di peringkat global mengetahui, bahawa Saudara Anwar Ibrahim sejak masa mudanya dilantik sebagai ketua gerakan belia di Malaysia (ABIM), pernah mengurus kira-kira 25 buah sekolah beraliran agama khusus buat remaja lelaki dan perempuan (sekolah alternatif) di seluruh tanahair, tidak kedengaran pada usia remajanya atau ketika memimpin gerakan belia, sesuatu yang menjatuhkan harga diri atau maruahnya dengan tindakan yang menyalahi ajaran agama Islam. Jika pada usia begitu beliau disenangi, dipercayai dan dihormati sebagai seorang pemimpin yang baik, bagaiman mungkin pada usia yang mencecah 60 akan terlibat dengan perlakuan kaum Lut?.

Beliau sekarang ini terdedah kepada pelbagai ancaman, konspirasi, provokasi, bagi mengekalkan amalan politik kotor sekali gus mengajak manusia seluruhnya untuk menentang Allah SWT.

Isu akuan bersumpah sebenarnya tidak dibahaskan panjang lebar oleh kalangan fuqaha’  melainkan pada keadaan bila wujudnya pembunuhan antara dua kampung hingga tidak dapat dikenal pasti siapa pembunuh sebenar, maka menurut sebahagian mereka: Akuan bersumpah hendaklah dilakukan oleh 50 orang ahli setiap kampung bagi membersihkan diri daripada sebarang tuduhan, tetapi ia bukan dalam isu yang sedang dibincangkan iaitu “Qazaf”.

Ini kerana apa yang sedang disaksikan ialah isu antara seorang penuduh fasiq lagi zalim tidak diterima kesaksiaannya dan seorang yang teraniaya dan bersih daripada tuduhan tetapi tidak diberi haknya untuk membebaskan diri daripadanya.

Isu ini serupa apa yang pernah berlaku kepada pemimpin gerakan Islam Iraq al-marhum Syeikh Muhammad Mahmud as-Sowaf dan Syeikh Abdul Aziz al-Badri yang dilemparkan oleh pengikut Komunis dengan pelbagai dakwaan dan tuduhan hingga kedua-dua mereka tidaK dapat membela diri untuk membersihkan nama baik dan maruah.

Isu Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang pernah cemerlang dalam kepimpinannya ketika menerajui Kementerian Belia dan Sukan dan Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda Umno beberapa tahun, tidak kedengaran suara-suara sumbang daripada golongan remaja, belia bersamanya dahulu menyebut tentang perlakuan sumbang beliau, tetapi bagaimana sejak akhir-akhir ini terdapat kecenderungan pihak tertentu dengan rasa tidak malu dan takut kepada Allah melemparkan tuduhan negatif itu.

Saya menyeru pihak terbabit secara jujur, bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah, takutkan akan Dia Yang Maha Bertindak Balas ke atas hamba-hambaNya di akhirat, ingatlah ketegasan Allah dalam al-Quran : Sesungguhnnya hari tersebut (kiamat) tidak akan memberi manfaat harta dan anak-pinak, melainkan mereka yang datang menemui Allah dengan hati yang selamat (dari sebarang penyakit hati yang merbahaya).

Secara peribadi selaku seorang muslim, harapan dan seruan saya kepada Kerajaan Malaysia, agar bertakwa kepada Allah dalam mengurus negara dan rakyat, khususnya orang Melayu/Islam, berakhlaklah dengan nilai akhlak Islam yang murni, dengan tidak melebihkan politik daripada akhlak, jangan bertindak sesuatu yang boleh melucutkan harga diri seseorang atau rakyat hilang keyakinan para pemimpin yang memerintah negara sekarang ini, kerana setiap sesuatu yang zalim itu adalah jalan kegelapan, yang rosak itu akan membawa kepada neraka yang membakar.

Kita bermohon kepada Allah agar Dia memelihara negara dan rakyat di bawah naungan-Nya. 


Beware of Backbiting and Slandering.

‘Ali Abd-Ur-Rahmnn Al-Hudzaifi


All the praise is due only to Allah, the Lord of Al-‘Alamin. May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet SAW, his household and companions.

My fellow Muslims![1] Allah the most Exalted has commanded us to obey him and  that on the Day of Judgement every one ot us shall be liable for all we do. Allah Says:

“Fear Allah and obey Him. Be afraid of the Day when you shall be brought back to Allah. Then every person shall be paid what he earned; and they shall not be dealt with unjustly” [Surah Al-Baqarah 2: 281]        

Brothers in the Faith! Major sins are indeed the cause for all the misery, evil and torment not only in this world and as well as in the hereafter. And the worst of all sins are those that caused  greatest  harm and danger to others. Among the destructive major sins are backbiting and slandering. These two sins were forbidden by Allah made through His Prophet because they sow enmity, evils and discord among people and lead to destruction. They would make their perpetrator regret but that regret will be of no benefit. They would cause hostilities between people of the same household and between neighbours and relatives. They can diminish in good deeds and increase in evil ones and lead to dishonour and ignominy.

Backbiting and slandering are utterly the most shameful and disgraceful acts. Their perpetrator is detested and he shall not be included as a noble death. Allah forbids these acts in His Book when He says:

“O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, in deeds some suspicions are sins. And spy not neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah, verily, Allah is the one who accepts repentance, Most Merciful” [Surah Al-Hujurat, 49: 12]

This verse strongly forbids not only suspicion, spying but backbiting and slandering on the others. Allah likens the backbiter to one who eats the flesh of his dead brother. If he would hate eating the flesh of his brother, he should also hate to eat his flesh while he is alive by backbiting and slandering him.

When one reflects deeply over this assimilation it will be adequate to keep one away from backbiting.

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet SAW had said: “Do you know what backbiting is?” They said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He then said, “It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike.” Someone asked him, “But what if what I say is true?” The Messenger of Allah said, “If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him.” [Muslim]

Abu Bakar As-Siddiq narrated that the Prophet SAW said in Mina on the day of sacrifice (10th day of Zul-Hijjah):“Verily, your blood, property and honour have become sacred to one another as the sacredness of this day of yours in this month of yours and in this city of yours. Indeed, have I conveyed the Message?” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Therefore, my fellow Muslims, guard our tongue from this debasing sin, for whoever guards his tongue from sins and uses his limbs in acts of obedience to Allah  he would be prospered. Sahal Ibn Sa’ad narrated that the Messenger of Allah said :

“Who protects his tongue from unlawful utterances and his private parts from illegal sexual intercourse, I shall guarantee him entrance into Paradise.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Abu Musa Al-Asha’ari said: “I asked the Messenger of Allah SAW, who is the best Muslim? The Messenger of Allah SAW replied, “He is the one from whom Muslims are safe from the evil of his tongue and hands.” [Muslim]

Dear fellow Muslims! Beware of slipping of your tongues and do not give  a free hand to wreak havoc on you. For free tongue destroys its owner and causes him calamities and evils.

Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah SAW said: “When man wakes up in the morning each day, all parts of the body warn the tongue saying, ‘Fear Allah as regards us for we are at your mercy; if you are upright, we will be upright and if you are crooked, we become crooked.’” [At-Tirmidzi]

Mu’adz Ibn Jabal said: “I said: O Messenger of Allah tell me of a deed that will make me enter Paradise and keep me away from the Fire.

The Prophet said, ‘You have asked of a great matter but it is easy for whosoever Allah makes it easy. You should worship Allah without associating anything with Him, perform Solah, pay Zakah (charity), fast during the month of Ramadhan and perform pilgrimage if you are able to.’ He said further, ‘Should I show you the gateways to good? Fasting is a shield (from evils), charity extinguishes sins as water extinguishes fire and praying in the middle of the night.’ He then recited this verse, ‘Their sides forsake their beds to invoke their Lord in fear and hope and they spend (charity in Allah’s cause) out of what We have bestowed them. No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do.’ [Surah As-Sajdah, 32: 16-17]

The Messenger of Allah SAW then said, ‘Should I tell you the head of the matter, its pillar and its peak?’ I said: Yes O Messenger of Allah. He then said, ‘The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is Solah (prayer) and its peak is Jihad in the way of Allah.’ He then asked, ‘Should I tell you of the foundation of all that?’ I said: Yes O Messenger of Allah. He then took hold of his tongue and said, ‘Hold back this.’

I said: O Messenger of Allah, are we going to be held responsible for what we utter? He said, ‘May your mother be bereaved of you, [2] does anything cast people into the Fire on their faces except what their tongues have uttered?’” [At-Tirmidzi]

Anas RA narrated that the Messenger of Allah SAW said: “When I was ascended to heaven, I passed by a people who had copper nails with which they scratched their faces and chests, and I said, ‘O Jibreel, who are these?’ He said, ‘These are those who used to eat other people’s flesh and attack their honour.’” [Abu Dawud]

Therefore do not treat the issue of backbiting with indifference because it is utterly a great sin. Allah says:  “ You considered it a little thing, while with Allah it was very great.” [Surah An-Nur, 24: 15]  

Abu Bakar used to take hold of his tongue and say this is that which caused me destruction. He said this as a sign of humbleness.

Backbiting is so widespread that it has become the topic of people’s meetings and an avenue for expressing their anger, misgivings and jealousy with those who indulge in backbiting believing that they are hiding their own imperfections and harming others. They are oblivious of the fact that they are only harming themselves. This is because the backbiter if the wrongdoer and his victim is the wronged and on the Day of Resurrection both the wrongdoer and the wronged will stand before Allah Who is the Just Judge and the wronged will appeal to Allah to avenge the wrong done to him, Allah will then give this wronged person from the good deeds of the person who wronged him in accordance with his wrong by backbiting his brother on a Day that no father will give his son any of his good deeds nor a friend to his friend. All will be saying, ‘Myself, myself.’

The Messenger of Allah SAW said: “Usury has seventy something kinds, the smallest of which is for a man to have intercourse with his mother and the highest act of usury is for a Muslim to attack the honour of his Muslim brother.” He also said, “Whoever protects the honour of his brother, Allah will protect him from Hellfire on the Day of Resurrection.” [At-Tirmidzi]

So prevent the backbiter of affronting the honour of Muslims. Allah says: “O you who believe, keep your duty to Allah and fear Him and speak (always) the truth.” [Surah Al-Ahzab, 33: 70].    

Fellow Muslims! Fear Allah for whoever fears Allah, He protects him from torment and doubles reward for him. Allah says:

“And indeed We have created man and We know what his own self whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our knowledge). (Remember) that the two receivers (recording angels) receive (each human being after he or she has attained the age of puberty), one sitting on the right and one on the left (to note his or her actions). Not a word does he or she utter, but there is a watcher by him (ready to record it.” [Surah Qaf, 50: 16-18]           

Brothers in Islam, gossiping about others is also another vicious type of backbiting. It means carrying tales from one people to another with the intention of sowing dissention among them. Allah condemned this deed when He said:

“And obey not everyone who swears much, and is considered worthless. A slanderer going about with calumnies.” [Surah Al-Qalam, 68: 10-11]      

The Prophet SAW said: “The gossiper will not enter Paradise.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Therefore, fear Allah, dear brothers, and call yourselves to account before you are called to account and weigh your own deeds before they are weighed for you.

Be aware also dear Muslims, that the Ulama’ have explained that it is allowed for the wronged to inform the authorities of the wrong done to him as it is allowed for the person who sees vice to inform those who are capable of removing it and prevent its perpetrator from committing further vice.

It is also allowed for the one seeking for religious decision to mention the wrong done to him to the knowledgeable man from whom he is seeking a decision in order to make things clear for him. It is also permissible for you to tell whoever seeks your advice on a person of something about him.

It is not also allowed for you to hide what you know about him so that he will not be deceived. All these types of speaking about others are lawful.



[1] A Khutbah by Imam Al-Madinah Al-Munawarrah ‘Ali Abd-Ur-Rahmân Al-Hudzaifi,delivered on Jumadil-Thaniyah 5, 1422 [August 24, 2001]

[2]1] This statement is used by the Arabs to rebuke someone, and its literal meaning is not meant.

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